Do you offer bonding services?
No. I do not write “attorney bonds”. I don't offer this "service" to potential clients because doing so creates an impermissible conflict of interest for the attorney. I want no economic interest in my client's appearance before the court. If your attorney is also your bondsman, then your attorney also holds the jailhouse keys. There's no shortage of lawyers that write bonds, I'm just not one of them. Proceed with caution.
How much will it cost for you to represent me?
That depends. There is always a lawyer that will charge you less. If you can find adequate legal representation at a lower price and you are comfortable with that lawyer, by all means, you should hire that individual. Only you know that answer. But criminal charges are deeply personal. Because every case presents unique challenges, I don't hand your case off to a legal secretary or paralegal. Nor do I believe in an assembly line approach to criminal defense. Only after we talk more about your case can I give you an accurate estimate of what representation will cost.
If I hire you, how will my case turn out?
There are simply no guaranteed outcomes in a criminal case. Many potential clients want a prediction on the outcome of their case. It is impossible to make a blanket prediction about case outcomes. Criminal charges are a complicated mixture of facts and law. While past results may be relevant, they certainly don't govern the outcome of your case. The resolution of any criminal case depends on too many factors to predict an outcome with absolute certainty. This is especially true at the outset of your criminal case.
Law Enforcement has requested to interview me. Do I need a lawyer?
Absolutely. Time and time again individuals call my office to ask this question. The answer is always the same. Don't do it. Don't submit to an interview without counsel. Surprisingly, many individuals nevertheless seek my assurance that an interview in their particular case, even without counsel, is a good idea. It is not, and you should not do it, period.
It's only a misdemeanor. Can't I represent myself?
You can, but it's a bad idea. Unrepresented misdemeanor defendants should not accept a prosecutor's "opportunity to resolve your case" when appearing in court. Why? Because this "opportunity" often results in a guilty plea and a final conviction on your record. The prosecutor has no obligation to look out for your best interest. A final conviction can have life-long effects. A conviction for certain offenses may impact your right to possess a firearm, maintain certain employment, or hold certain professional licenses. The solution? Simple, hire legal counsel, and don't go into court alone.
Are there any types of criminal matters you don't handle?
Yes. There are some criminal matters I no longer accept. I do not represent individuals charged with traffic violations or other class "c" offenses. I no longer take on direct appeals or writs of habeas corpus. Finally, I do not handle expunctions or motions for non-disclosure. If you need representation in one of these areas it is best for you to obtain representation from an attorney that regularly handles these particular matters.